Helping The Community
With this initiative, our goal is to promote free opportunities and resources for those in our community. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.
Turning Interest Into Action
Resources for learning tech for free
Stay in the Know
We work hard to collect free resources and share them with you because we believe in accessibility. We will also be collecting reviews on how you think companies are doing in terms of how they are tackling equity in tech. A well informed community is an empowered one as well, so take a look at some of the latest resources and help spread the word about all the amazing resources at LatinasWhoCode.

Online Programming Resources
Coding interview questions, where to code for free and download programs

Educational Platform Resources:
Udemy, FreeCodeCamp, Coursera, Khan Academy

Repositories on Github:
Repository of free learning resources

AWS Developer Learning Plan:
AWS developer training on how to build AWS Cloud applications. Offers free virtual classes. Assumes you have some developer experience.

Automate the boring stuff
free online book -- includes great exercises, text and video tutorials
Very easy to understand, great explanations, but also goes into a lot of depth
Just go to that site and scroll down for links to chapters

University Courses / Open-Source Courses Resources:
University courses/ Open Source Resources
Free 100 Page Coding Interview Preparation
This is a comprehensive guide by Janson Lim to prepare for your next coding interview

Open Source Society University
Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
The OSSU curriculum is a complete education in computer science using online materials. It's not merely for career training or professional development. It's for those who want a proper, well-rounded grounding in concepts fundamental to all computing disciplines, and for those who have the discipline, will, and (most importantly!) good habits to obtain this education largely on their own, but with support from a worldwide community of fellow learners.
It is designed according to the degree requirements of undergraduate computer science majors, minus general education (non-CS) requirements, as it is assumed most of the people following this curriculum are already educated outside the field of CS. The courses themselves are among the very best in the world, often coming from Harvard, Princeton, MIT, etc.
The Odin Project
Your Career in Web Development Starts Here
The Odin Project's full stack curriculum is free and supported by a passionate open source community.
Harvard University CS50: Introduction to Computer Science Class
CS50: Introduction to Computer Science
An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.

Explore Tech Career Paths
Explore types of tech careers and paths before you get started
Credera Consulting helped put together initial info on career paths you can use before you get started exploring resources

Interview Prep Resources
Prepare for interviews
Credera Consulting helped put together initial info on preparing for different phases of interviews